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Research and development
Ksenia Security is an Italian company active in the Security (Intrusion, Access Control and Video Surveillance) and Home & Building Automation fields. We develop and manufacture innovative solutions designed for residential, commercial and industrial markets. We combine a guaranteed cutting-edge technology with a high level of user-friendliness.
The company develops and manufactures mostly all products in Italy, always following Italian quality and traditions. Every activity, from the design up to the final realization, takes place directly in its workplace, creating a strong sense of belonging. It is a company constantly engaged in the search for innovations, with the mission of developing reliable certified devices through cutting-edge technology.
Ksenia Security has a wide distribution network, operating worldwide in 70 countries. It cooperates with the best partners in order to offer the best integrated solutions for the customers. Ksenia system is compatible with various third-party systems such as Google Home and Amazon Alexa voice assistants, Crestron and Control4 smart home solutions in addition to the integration with KNX, Milestone, Nuance and much more.
Ksenia’s inherently distinctive marks are: Design, Made in Italy,Innovation and Eco-sustainability. These core values are the pillars on which stand the production.

Our mission is to create reliable products with great technological innovation. How do we do it? Listening to the needs of the market. Thanks to our R&D team, we are committed to respond effectively to today’s needs, placing the emphasis on originality and ease of use. This attitude is expressed in our APPs for User and Installer that allow remote management and configuration, through an extremely intuitive interface and surprising graphic customization.
Attention to the environment and eco-sustainability
Ksenia Security has always been at the forefront and pioneer of environmental sustainability, combining technological innovation with an eco-friendly lifestyle.
This philosophy, which is also our responsibility, has an impact on many aspects of corporate life. In fact, in line with the trend and diffusion of a more conscious approach, Ksenia Security pays particular attention to the choice of: materials relating to printed circuits which must be free of halogen and chromium; packaging for the packaging of products made with recycled fibers; local suppliers and partners that allow to shorten the supply chain and save in terms of CO2.
Even our headquarters, located in Ripatransone in the province of Ascoli Piceno, represents a low environmental impact technological reality that independently produces renewable energy, thanks to the photovoltaic system installed on the roof, thus contributing to a more sustainable development.
Therefore, the company produces products that allow you to manage all the comfort parameters according to your personal needs, guaranteeing you a home system with a low environmental impact.

A charismatic trio and the strong ambitions of which gave birth to Ksenia Security: a company founded, first of all, on the great wealth of experience and the growing passion of three men who shared a dream. With dedication, commitment and perseverance, they reached the goal in 2010, laying solid foundations for a future characterized by technological innovation, design, Made in Italy and eco-sustainability.

Team Ricerca & Sviluppo
Un team giovane e coeso, profondamente motivato dalla passione per la tecnologia. La squadra è composta dal reparto Hardware, Software e Firmware. La colonna portante è l’innovazione che si fonde con una costante ricerca di originalità e semplicità d’uso.

Team Assistenza Tecnica
Questo team tutto al maschile è la vera voce dell’azienda. Ascoltare è il loro grande talento e, grazie ad una profonda conoscenza tecnica, sono maestri nel supportare gli Installatori e i Distributori nelle situazioni più complesse.

Team Marketing
Parola chiave: creatività. Il team abbraccia a pieno la filosofia aziendale, comunicando all’esterno i valori fondanti. L’obiettivo è comprendere le esigenze del cliente e trasmettere le potenzialità delle soluzioni Ksenia.

Team produzione
Le braccia dell’azienda sono loro: assemblano, testano, imballano e spediscono ogni singolo prodotto Ksenia. È una catena ben collaudata, in costante comunicazione con il reparto vendite.

Team Amministrazione
Appassionate e brillanti, mantengono lo sguardo vigile su ogni aspetto contabile dell’azienda. Questo team tutto al femminile vanta forte spirito di squadra e grande cura per i dettagli.

Team Customer Service
Grande disponibilità e spiccata empatia caratterizzano il team che, quotidianamente, è a contatto con la clientela. L’obiettivo è comprendere le esigenze del cliente e offrire il miglior supporto in ambito commerciale.

Team Acquisti
Il team è a stretto contatto con i fornitori e svolge sistematicamente precise analisi con l’obiettivo di valutare il miglior rapporto qualità/prezzo, in base ad elevatissimi standard dettati dalle normative vigenti.

Team Vendite
Organizzazione e pianificazione sono i punti di forza del team.
Durante l’intero processo di vendita, ogni attività commerciale è strettamente correlata alle esigenze del cliente.