Home automation and Smart Home are terms that are entering our lives more and more forcefully. It would be too easy to say even in our homes but this is the reality, with dozens of devices that we can now remotely control to ensure maximum comfort for our home life.
Of course, these devices often work on external apps and each of them has one, with all that this entails in terms of practicality. However, there are integrated systems, able to manage all our home automation easily with a click. So let’s enter the world of lares 4.0, the perfect App to control our smart home with a few simple clicks.
Home management app: the advantages of Iares 4.0
It is undeniable that the main advantage of lares 4.0 lies in the management of the entire home system comfortably in a single environment. However, in addition to finding everything just a click away, the advantage of lares 4.0 is the simple interface that allows us to switch from the Security system to the Home Automation system with extreme ease.
One of the features that the best home automation app you could want must have is that it leaves no doubt about the actual sending of the command and the consequent functioning of what is requested. After all, the usefulness of these systems is precisely that of allowing us to control them remotely, without personally checking the actual execution of the command given. With lares 4.0 this will be very clear!
Furthermore, compared to many other Smart Home Apps, Ksenia’s lares 4.0 allows you to have great freedom of customization.
Maximum security thanks to a home management app
Obviously, the beating heart of the App lares 4.0 remains focused to home security, being able to count on the total control of both wired and hybrid control units, branded Ksenia Security.
Let’s see in detail what it is possible to do with the Lares 4.0 app and what is the plus that it can offer to one’s home life, in relation to tranquility and safety.
The dashboard: the first impact with Iares 4.0
The dashboard is the first screen we find ourselves looking at when we open the App. We can immediately customize its appearance by changing the background color.
Obviously, the central part of the dashboard is dedicated to the state of insertion of the general anti-theft system: we are faced with the most important information that is always good to have an eye on. In this main screen there are also other fundamental parameters, such as temperature and weather conditions: it may seem trivial but knowing what the weather is like in the area of our house allows us, for example, to raise or lower the shutters if we are far from ours. home.
In the lower section, we find the favorites that we can choose and set to our liking. It will be enough to identify which actions we perform most frequently and we will find them directly on the main screen, thanks to the shortcut we have set.

Sicurezza: il cuore pulsante di Iares 4.0
La sezione sicurezza ci consente di avere il controllo totale di tutti i parametri legati alla sicurezza della nostra casa, con la possibilità di gestire sensori, registro eventi, telecamere e tanto altro ancora.
L’App per controllare l’antifurto di casa permette anche una personalizzazione totale di quelli che sono i profili utenti, potendo impostare accessi di primo e secondo livello con diverse possibilità di azione su ogni aspetto del comando dei dispositivi di sicurezza domestica.
Smart Home: tutta la domotica in un click con Iares 4.0
Infine, con l’App lares 4.0 si possono ovviamente comandare tutti i dispositivi legati alle automazioni domestiche: accendere e spegnere le luci, aprire e chiudere porte e cancelli, regolare le temperature e l’umidità dei vari ambienti di casa, gestire diversi scenari preimpostati, e molto altro ancora.
Per scoprire tutte le cose che puoi fare con l’App lares 4.0, non ti resta che provarla