Webinar Ksenia & GANZ
We at Ksenia Security and GANZ believe that the future of security must be designed around the user. Our goal is to deliver reliable leading solutions that add value and are quick and easy to install and use.
For this reason, we have organized a joint webinar, entitled “Integration of lares 4.0 and Gateway http with AI-BOX and GANZ Cortrol” which will take place Friday 8 October at 15:00.
The speakers are: Claudio Laneve, Technical Training & Support Manager – Ksenia Security SpA e Ivan Ragazzi, Sales Account Manager – CBC Europe srl Furthermore, as an expert, he will intervene Andrea Scirè Risichella, General Technical Manager of lorpa tech.
Below, the program of the webinar:
- Welcome and introductions
- Ksenia commercial presentation
- GANZ commercial presentation
- Examples of Ksenia-GANZ integration
- Word to the system integrator
- Questions answers
- Final greetings and thanks
To participate you need to register at the following link www.gotowebinar.com
We wait for you!