How many times it happens not to have no internet connection just when you need it most, staring at the word “no internet connection”? Surely it is a situation in which everyone has found themselves at least once and, in addition to being annoying, it is also dangerous if our home’s alarm and home automation systems depend on our connection.
For this he comes to our rescue Ksenia gemino IoT: let’s see how and why this device is so important and can solve the problem of no internet connection.
What is gemino IoT and why is it important
Il gemino IoT device was born as an additional component to enhance communication with the lares 4.0 platform, so as to make it always perfectly reachable by every command and every communication we want to exchange.
gemino IoT was born, therefore, from the need to make even those central units that are installed in residential areas that suffer from poor GSM coverage fully functional and, thanks to its ability to be reachable also from the 4G network, greatly expands the possibilities of communication with the platform in all coverage conditions.
In this sense, one of the fundamental aspects of gemino IoT is to act as IP communicator external: the advantage of making communication with the platform remote is to always guarantee its functioning in every coverage situation because, as we will see shortly, gemino IoT is equipped with a housing for a data sim and an Ethernet port for direct connection to the central.
In other words, thanks to this device, we will always be able to guarantee an internet connection to our lares 4.0 platform, which makes it constantly able to perform its main functions such as, for example, sending notifications to our smartphone upon occurrence. of certain events, or the direct connection to the webcams inside our home.
With the gemino IoT device we will be able to position the communication compartment of the platform based on the optimal signal coverage, thus having total freedom to decide where to install our lares 4.0 control panel.