Manage the temperature of your rooms Through the domus module, which can be installed in…

Choose the time and the house will do it for you!
Using the time scheduler, you can plan your security and home automation scenarios in total freedom, choosing specific times and days of the week. The start time of a given command can be indicated in “hours and minutes” or in “sunrise” or “sunset”. In this second case, the values are calculated based on the geographic location and the time zone. Thus, following the rising and setting of the sun, the system will perform the automation of your choice: arming / disarming the alarm, turning lights on / off, thermostat, irrigation, opening / closing the gates, and more. In the programming of the days of the week, you can access the holiday calendar. In this way, the App is able to distinguish weekdays from holidays, thus allowing you a personalized schedule based on your weekly routine, excluding any holidays.